Tuesday, April 8, 2014

SharePoint Usage and Health Data Collection Error - “There is no data available for this report. Here are some possible reasons - Web Analytics has not been enabled long enough to generate data”

While checking the usage health reports for a SharePoint site, I got an Error Saying that “There is no data available for this report. Here are some possible reasons: (1) Web Analytics has not been enabled long enough to generate data; (2) There is insufficient data to generate this report; (3) Data logging required for this report might not be enabled; (4) Data aggregation might not be enabled at the level required for this report.

After checking that one by one in the issues
  • I am having full of data in SharePoint site and that is fair enough to generate the data reports.
  • In the site I am sure that Data logging and Data Aggregation are enabled. I was checked that also as part of trouble shooting. Web Analytic are also enabled as mentioned in the issue.

After pulling hair and digging into the deep, I have found that Usage and Health Data Collection Service Application Proxy has not been started. Silly, but I have spent so much of my time. After starting the service proxy by using following Power Shell command everything working as expected.

$usageHealthDataServiceProxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | where {$_.DisplayName -eq “Usage and Health Data Service”}

Hope this helps.

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