Sunday, August 31, 2014

SharePoint 2013 – office 365 site save site as template error

In Office 365 site, to save customized site as template we can’t have save site as template option as we don’t even activate publishing feature. For example, I have created a site in office 365 environment and added some third party customized features like twitter and tried to save the site as template by navigating to Site settings. Bu I am unable to find “Save site as template” option in site settings page.

While troubleshooting the issue I have checked few posts in msdn and tech net forum. By checking all the posts I have found that SharePoint doesn't allow to save the third party apps. By removing the third party apps, i am able to save the site as template. But I need the third party app should be include in my sub site.

By checking few more posts I got a trick for this. To enable save site as a template in site settings page, we have to set “SaveSiteAsATemplateEnabled” parameter in office 365 site. To do that, open the site in SharePoint designer in homepage, click on “Site Options” link.

We can get a pop up box with four tabs. In Parameters tab, find for “SaveSiteAsATemplateEnabled” and update the value from false to true.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

SharePoint – Back to basics - Are sure you are SharePoint Farm Administrator?

How can I’ll be SharePoint farm Administrator? By Adding Farm Admin group from SharePoint Central Admin site as shown the below I’ll become Farm Administrator?

But as we have expected by completing all the steps, these will not grant Farm Admin privileges on the server. These steps will add user to farm admin group in SharePoint and WSS_ADMIN_WPG group in SharePoint farm. By updating user to this farm admin, users get access to web site and access to SharePoint resources as logs and web services.

If user not added in SharePoint local Admin group, user is not fully-fledged SharePoint farm administrator. When user runs SharePoint management he will see "The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with feature dependency ID is not registered."

To execute PowerShell commands, users need SharePoint_Shell_Access in SQL server SharePoint configuration database and other databases where we need to manage the data.

Therefore, to make a user as SharePoint farm admin, he need to have following permissions,

·      Local Administrator security group for each server in the farm
·      Farm Administration SharePoint Group
·      SQL Server SharePoint_Shell_Access database role for the SharePoint configuration database and all content databases.

Monday, August 11, 2014

SharePoint 2013 workflow compiling error: Workflow XAML failed validation

While working with SharePoint workflow, I got compilation error in Start a task process activity. By clicking the error (clicking on the top “check errors button”) I don’t see any issues. When publishing the workflow I got the error saying that “Microsoft.Workflow.Client.ActivityValidationException: Workflow XAML failed validation: Cannot set unknown member CompositeTask.RelatedContentLinkListItemIntegerId’. HTTP headers received from the server”

Iam unable to publish the WF in SharePoint designer with my credentials and My friends credentials. To fix the issue, I have checked in to issue and found the fix in following blog and MSDN

To fix the issue, we have to register workflow service using following command

Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite 'MySiteURL’ –WorkflowHostUri ‘Site URL' -AllowOAuthHttp –Force

Hope this helps.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

SharePoint 2013 search refinement web part

One of the most powerful web parts in SharePoint 2013 to provide search refinement experience is Search refinement web part. Search refinement web part allows users to select to refine their search results to be list a subset of results. We can modify this web part to include the properties to be appear as refiners in the search results page and also we have the option to choose the appearance of the properties like single or multiple. Depending on the data returning on the search results web part, we have the advantages to choose metadata values to be displayed. For example in a Office Management Search center, we have data to be displayed custom metadata such as Employee Job type, Designation, Department and some other default information like author details.

As shown the image below, we can see the configuration details in SharePoint Search refinement web part.

Issue with SharePoint custom workflow delay activity

While working with SharePoint custom workflow delay activity, Iam not able to run the code in delay activity. I have deleted and added new delay activity but it wasn’t worked. In general we can add user input after a particular time, we can go with delay activity in SharePoint custom workflow.

Delay activity is broken in SharePoint 2007 as well as SharePoint 2010. To fix that we have to run stsadm commands below,

stsadm -o getproperty -pn job-workflow -url siteURL

stsadm -o setproperty -pn job-workflow -pv “Every 2 minutes between 0 and 59″ -url siteURL

After running the commands, we have reset IIS and Restart the timer services in Server.

Hope this will helps.