Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Configuring Machine Translation service in SharePoint 2013

Previous post, I have mentioned how to create new machine translation service. After creating the machine translation service we can configure the service. We can do this by using Central Administration or Power Shell commands. By Using Central Admin, Go to Application...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Machine Translation service in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint server 2013 we have many new service applications. Machine Translation service is one of the new in service applications. It allows us to translate the site and user content. This service will have a list of APIs, REST and Client Side Object Model support. By using API’s...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Shredded storage in SharePoint 2013

Shredded storage, one of the new feature in SharePoint 2013. In SharePoint, documents can be stored in a library and will be saved in Content DB as BLOB (Binary Large Objects). RBS is a set of API that gives us option to move BLOB out of SQL server content DB. In SP 2010, BLOB allows us to improve storage performance. If we have enabled the version history, each version of...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Configure site access request in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint 2013 has many improvements as User Experience, Search, Service applications. We have one more cool improvement is site access. Users can requests access to the site by using site access request. Site Administrator will check the access requests for site when he logs-in. Site...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Usage Reports and Popularity Trends in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 analytics has been improved a lot compared to SharePoint previous versions. MS people designed analytics to improve the search and result relevance. All the things like views, social tags, and clicks will be used in the SharePoint 2013 analytics searching...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Debugging SharePoint production environment by using IntelliTraceCollector

I have experienced many times that my code works in Dev environment and it will not work in UAT or Production, causes quarrel between me and my QA. We can’t install the development tools and debug the code in production environment due to many reasons. Most of the cases I was used to write log files in the code itself to log the exception. These logs help me to fix...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

eDiscovery in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint sites will have large amount of data in documents, Social data, web pages and  email messages. We may have some legal risks with keeping the data and searching the data. In that scenario we can search and export it into usable format. In SharePoint, eDiscovery...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Change favicon image in SharePoint 2013 site

While working with SharePoint customization, I got a requirement to change the favicon image. I have never changed favicon image before working on SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2013. By default Microsoft people will have following favicon images for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. By...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New features in SharePoint designer 2013

SharePoint designer 2013, designer tool for SharePoint 2013. We can see some major changes in SharePoint designer 2010 to SharePoint designer 2013. Following are the few changes, No visual design: The split view design (on the bottom) is no longer available in SharePoint designer...