Sunday, February 23, 2014

Get list of all users in a site collection and get all the web parts in a page

We can get the list of all users and web parts in a page by entering the URL of the site with addition of text. We can get all the users by appending “_layouts/people.aspx?membershipGroupId=0” text. We can get all the users in a Site collection as shown the image below. We can...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Error while opening files in SharePoint - Unable to open office files in SharePoint Office client

While working a SharePoint having heavy load got an issue for few users while opening documents/excel sheets/ PowerPoint in office client applications. Files that are stored in SharePoint, while opening files in client application got the following error: Could not open "http://Servername/Documents/Doc".  After digging into the issue, found that SharePoint Workspace...

Friday, February 14, 2014

SharePoint 2013 InfoPath form error - “A query to retrieve for data cannot be completed because this action would violate cross-domain restrictions”

While working with SharePoint 2013 InfoPath forms in cross domain, I got an error saying that, “A query to retrieve for data cannot be completed because this action would violate cross-domain restrictions”.  We can get this error, due to cross page submissions. We...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Create a crawl rule in SharePoint search

We can add a crawl rule in SharePoint search to include or remove the content in a specific path while crawling the content. We have to provide the credentials to crawl the data. We can test/delete/reorder the content by using crawl rules. To create or edit crawl rule we have...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Adding a service to Default Application Proxy Group in SharePoint using PowerShell

When creating a Service application to a SharePoint server, we need to attach that service to Default Application proxy. We can attach the service application using following Power Shell commands, Get the Service application proxy by using Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy command $ServiceAppProxy=  Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | where { $_.Name -eq “Name of the service...