Saturday, July 26, 2014

SharePoint migration – designer workflow runs twice every time

Migrating from SharePoint 2007 to 2013, SharePoint designer 2007 workflows migrated correctly and workflows are working as expected. We can’t use SharePoint 2007 list template directly to create the list templates. To do that we have to save the list as a template and need to use that template to create the list. In SharePoint 2007 site we had a workflow that sends email and...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

SharePoint Managed Accounts error: Managed Account could not be deleted because other objects depend on it.

After deleting all the service applications and managed account from SharePoint server by using following PowerShell commands, Get-SPManagedAccount | Where-Object {$_.UserName -eq "Domain\Username"} | Remove-SPManagedAccount By running the command I got an error saying that, Remove-SPManagedAccount : An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, “SPManagedAccount...

SharePoint – Delete Orphaned sites using PowerShell commands

We can delete the orphaned site in SharePoint environment that we are trying to provision the project server application. To remove orphaned site we have to un-provisioned and then delete the site. We can delete the site by using following PowerShell commands, Get SharePoint service application by using Get-SPServerviceApplication command We can see the list of GUID’s....

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SSRS report – SharePoint list error: an error occurred when accessing the specified SharePoint list. The connection string might not be valid

While creating the report by using SharePoint list, I got an error saying that “an error occurred when accessing the specified SharePoint list. The connection string might not be valid” as shown the image below. I have checked all the possibilities for the error by changing...

Saturday, July 5, 2014

PowerShell Commands: Download files/documents from SharePoint document libraries

In SharePoint 2013 we have an option to sync all the data from SharePoint document libraries to local folders by using Shared drive concept. We can download the document s from SharePoint document library using Power Shell commands also. We can do that in overall site collections and all the site collection may contain loads of documents and downloading one by...