Friday, July 26, 2013

Configuring automatic data refresh in SharePoint 2013 PowerPivot

After publishing the PowerPivot workbook in SharePoint, we can configure the scheduling for automatic data in workbook. To configure the data refresh we must have contribute level permissions to the workbook and must be windows domain account. Workbook must be checked-in at the time of refresh.
We must have to activate the PowerPivot Integration for Site Collection. To activate that, navigate to site collection features and search for PowerPivot Integration. We cannot find the feature if PowerPivot is not installed properly. In my previous post I have mentioned about PowerPivot installation for SharePoint.

To schedule the automatic refresh, navigate to SharePoint library that contains the workbook and Click on Manage PowerPivot Data Refresh as shown below.

Check Enable check box in schedule definition page Data Refresh section.
We have to specify the type of schedule and when we wanted to refresh the data in Schedule Details section.
In the Earliest Start Time section, we have two options. After business hours specifies the after the business hours. Default value will be 8PM. A specific time specifies the time within 15 min interval.

We have to specify the e-mail address in E-Mail Notification section to notify the data refresh failures.
Enter the account information for SharePoint PowerPivot for data refresh in workbook. Account must have contribute or higher permissions to the work book as mentioned earlier. We have three options here, to use predefined account, click on Use data refresh account configured by the administrator. Connect using following Windows user credentials option to specify the own windows account. Connect using the credentials saved in Secured Store Services (sss) to log on to the data source to run in a specified windows account that defined in Secured Store service. For this option, Admin must have the SSS ID to store the account information.

If we want to refresh all the data sources, select All data sources check box in Data Sources section to data refresh. Click on OK.

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