Thursday, August 23, 2018

SharePoint 2013 Site collection Launch page – Access Denied error

Recently I got an issue while login to one of the host-named web application. All of sudden when I try to open the site, it shows me access denied error. I have removed and added myself as Site collection Administrator and still same error. I have added myself in Super reader and Super User in Web application policy. But still same issue.

After checking for some more time, I found that I am able to access all the pages and libraries by entering the URL directly (Eg: /SitesPages/Home.aspx , /Pages/Default.aspx) . I have verified if this is issue with DNS entry, but I am able to navigate to the site but it is throwing access denied error. I have verified Authentication providers, if there is any issue with Claims authentication.  But nothing worked.

After some time I found this post on the issue. We got the issue due to Authentication settings got corrupted. After enabling and disabling the Anonymous access for the web application my issue got resolved.

Here are the steps to fix the issue,

Open SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site, click on Manage web applications.

Select the web application that has the issue and click on Authentication Providers from the ribbon bar.

Open the authentication provider zone we are using, We can see it as default.

Check the Enable anonymous access option and then Save the Authentication settings. It can take some time to save the settings, so after click Save just need to wait for the Authentication Setting window to close.

After the Authentication settings window closes we should be able to get to the home page without any Access Denied errors.

Now we don't want to leave anonymous access enabled so once again open the authentication provider zone and un-check Enable anonymous access and then Save the Authentication settings. We should now still be able to access the root site of web application and the issue has been fixed.

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