Monday, November 25, 2013

SharePoint user profile service error: An error was encountered while retrieving the service

While working with SharePoint user profile through code, I got an error when accessing the user profile from user profile manager. Stack trace has thrown the error as,  

Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserNotFoundException was unhandled
  Message=An error was encountered while retrieving the user profile.

I have checked in User profile service that account crawled correctly or not. Yes it is there. Iam able to get the user in SharePoint user picker as expected. I have googled about the issue for some time. I have fixed the exception using an article from technet. Tip shown in the blog post fixed my error.

Actually iam getting the error from following code line 

UserProfile currentUser = profileManager.GetUserProfile("Domain\UserName")

Here profilemanager is UserProfileManager object. After changing “\” to “\\” in user profile my issue got fixed. I have replaced my code line with 

UserProfile currentUser = profileManager.GetUserProfile("Domain\\UserName")

Simple. Hope this will help you.

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