Showing posts with label Installing PowerPivot in SharePoint 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Installing PowerPivot in SharePoint 2013. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Install PowerPivot Add-in for SharePoint 2013

PowerPivot for SharePoint collection of back and middle-tier services that allows getting PowerPivot data in SharePoint farm. If we are using Excel PowerPivot that contains the analytical data in SharePoint site, we must have to use PowerPivot services in server.
PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 is an installation package called spPowerpivot.msi that deploys the PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 files. We can download the .msi file from URL.

After downloading the .msi file, Right click on it and select install command. We can see the see the screen that checks the machine for all installations.

After completing with checking machine installations, We can see the screen with default option selected as shown the image below. Click on OK button.

We can see the following screen for inputs. Here we have to pass Default Account Username, Password to provision the services and PowerPivot service application pool. We have to specify a custom account instead of built-in account. If we provide the built-in accounts, tool will blocks the configurations. Database Server is the server name. We have to specify the Passphrase, which will be useful whenever new servers are added to the farm and PowerPivot Server for Excel Services value like ServerName/PowerPivot.

After entering the values click on Validate button to validate the inputs.

Once we are done with successful validations, Click on Run button. We can see the warning alert says “Configuration settings will be flagged...” click on Yes button.

PowerPivot for SharePoint will install. We can see installation successful message after completion of installation.

We can check PowerPivot installation by checking following things,
Services in SharePoint central Admin (Application Management -> Manage Service Application -> New). SQL Server PowerPivot service Application in the list or not.

Services list (Application Management -> Manage Services in the Server), check for SQL Server PowerPivot System Service is there or not.

Farm features (System Settings -> Manage farm features), check for PowerPivot Integration Feature.