Sunday, February 27, 2011

Delete content types in share point list (Remove the options under the new button dropdown in share point list)

In my previous post i was published how to add the content types to a list in share point. It is also possible to delete the content types in the share point lists. The following code deletes the required content types in the list.
//delete content types from a list
private static void DeleteContentType(SPWeb currentWeb)
  string listTitle = string.Empty;
  SPList currentList;
  List< SPContentType > contentTypes = new List< SPContentType >();
  Console.WriteLine("Enter the list title to delete the content types");
  listTitle = Console.ReadLine();
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listTitle))
    currentList = currentWeb.Lists[listTitle];
    if (currentList != null)
      for (int i = 0; i < contentTypes.Count; i++)
        if (currentList.ContentTypes[contentTypes[i].Name] != null)
          Console.WriteLine("content type Deleted");
          Console.WriteLine("content type" + (currentList.ContentTypes[contentTypes[i].Name]) + "not exists");
      Console.WriteLine("list not exists in the current web");
    Console.WriteLine("list title not be empty or null");   

As shown in the code i took a user defined list as SPContentType and i added the content types to the list which i want to delete, then loop the entire list items, if the content type exists in the list, then the content type will be deleted. If not exists do nothing.

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