We got this error with SharePoint 2007 farm custom coding.
Code downloads all the list items to excel template. Generally we can see this
error with rows updating in excel. But we haven’t changed anything from DEV to
PROD. We have investigated the error in SharePoint logs and Event logs.
We are seeing the error as there are several possible
The file name or path does not exist.
The file is being used by another program.
The workbook you are trying to save has the same
name as a currently open workbook.
After checking the issue. We have found that there is the
error with excel service. To fix that we have to create a folder.
If we are running in Windows Server 2008 64-bit/R2,
Navigate to
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile folder and create the following
directory “Desktop”
If we are running in Windows Server 32-bit
Navigate to
C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop folder and create the
following directory “Desktop”
If still you have the issue, you have to change the security
setting to run excel application using following steps,
Start –> enter DCOMCNFG.exe to open Component
This will bring up the component services
window, expand out "Console Root" -> "Computers" ->
"DCOM Config"
Find "Microsoft Excel Application" in
the list of components.
Right click on the entry and select
Go to the "Identity" tab on the
properties dialog.
Select "The interactive user."
Click the "OK" button.
Switch to the services console
Start the service automating Excel
Test you application again.
Enable Windows authentication in IIS if excel application in
your site prompting for credentials.