Showing posts with label nintex office 365. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nintex office 365. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Office 365 –Missing Nintex Icons on the top ribbon

While working with Nintex in office 365 environment, suddenly Nintex forms and workflow icons are missing as shown the image below.

I have all the site contents, I am seeing Forms and Nintex are installed as shown below. 

I have verified all the details and permissions ( I am site collection admin). I have verified the post from Nintex community but It wasn’t worked for me.

After verifying some time I had no clue on what next. Finally I found the post from swetha s to fix the issue. I have Removed and add re-add the forms app to the site as below.

After re-installing the app, I am able to see the forms icon on the top. But we have to design the forms once again and re-publish the forms and workflows (if you have task forms customized using Nintex forms) to the site.

Good. But next question in your mind – Do I need to add the app for all the sites in the site collect?No, don’t worry, it is just for one site and no need to add all the sites.